The lies that Karsten Brask Fischer told under oath in court were the ones that gave birth to the injustice was made based on the false declaration that he gave in court! The court decided to give the right to the law-firm.
In Romania there is a saying: "who will steal today an egg, will steal an ox tomorrow."
Well, seeing what is happening in this situation i am warning against the intentions this person is having: now he lied in front of the court and under oath, in the presence of four of the people who witnessed all that he previously said. If this is the "egg" he starts his LIAR career with (it is a dinosaurs egg) then we can expect some exceptional LIES coming from him.
If up until now he was just lying to his friends and attacking them publicly, now he is going to the next level and things are more complex.
To resume the situation for those who came later: Karsten hired a law-firm that was not doing the job they were asked to do. Karsten was the one who started to complain about the work of the lawyers to the board of NATHA and it was decided (based on his declarations and clear facts he was showing to all of us) that it was not fair to pay all the bills issued by the law-firm, as they were immense compared with the work they did! That decision was strictly out of the principle of justice and not because of the money (as a proof Natha already paid 75% of the total amount unjustly requested by the law-firm).
Then Karsten makes a written declaration where he describes the whole case and makes a stand for the principle of Justice.
A few days later, after meeting some people that determine him to change his opinion, he decided to go and make an agreement with the law-firm to testify for them
if they let him off the legal court case ! The next days the court case against Karsten is cancelled and NATHA is brought in front of the court for the same issue, this time with karsten as a witness.
In the court karsten comes and declares the opposite of what he told natha's board several times, the opposite that he had written by himself.
Based on his declaration the court decides to ask natha to pay the law-firm the rest of the 25% of the money for the bills, in a decision that is an act of injustice!
We hope that this story will wake up some naive people that think that a small lie is inoffensive. This is also how Karsten started, with small innocent lies, and he ended up by being an outlaw, an infractor who has no scruples. (These are not attacks or judgments, they are the description of the situation he is getting unconsciously into without considering all the advice his friends are giving him).
I bet he will start to reply to these lines on the forums where he tries to "wash" his image and lure some “believers" into his lies so that he creates the impression that he was right. Probably he will invoke all kind of aspects that are irrelevant in order to divert the attention from the answers he owes to himself and the other people around him. If so, he is not doing anything good for his image because everyone started to see that his personal problems are the cause of all that happened.
But if in all this process you have been through there was anything we was doing wrong we apologize and we hope you can forgive.
This article was written by Mihai Stoian on November 10th, 2009